One word! Amazing!
It is as excellent as the first time you ever showed me it! I can only say one thing to you, Keep it up mate :)
One word! Amazing!
It is as excellent as the first time you ever showed me it! I can only say one thing to you, Keep it up mate :)
Rezuth. my brother, my commander, my king. Thank ye
Nice movie
I must say that this is reminding me of braindead by peter jackson. Anyway it was a nice movie, keep em cooming
As always you just make excellent movies. I'm looking forward to many more =)
A bit too like..
The beginning of movie's at cosmunova in sweden
For being your first flash that was pretty good Maybe you should pratice on drawing in flash a bit more ;).
Well any way good shit =D
thx man... I needed that!
I'm so sick off tricky shit. Go and make a normal movie you n00b.
Hereby I quote from a fellow Flash artist The_Heartbreak_Kid:
I made this movie to express what happens when a bunch of 12 year old homophobes who are probably gay themselves hate something for no reason.
Who's the n00b you haven't even made a Flash in your whole live.
This is good shit alessandro, I dont get why people complain on the scream from the stick man. The scream is funny as hell =D.
Det här är bra skit alessandro, Jag förstår inte varför folk klagar på skriket from streck gubben. Skriket var roligt som fan =D.
This is not your best work =P
Det här är inte ditt bästa jobb =P
That was a smooth stick animation
That was cool dude, but with a plot it would be cooler. Try and think of that when you make your next flash.
To blam or not to blam. That is the question.
Age 54, Female
Joined on 10/17/02